## ----invisibles, echo=FALSE, results='markup', message=FALSE------------------ library("knitr") #library("gWQS") ## ----first step, echo=TRUE, results='markup', message=FALSE------------------- library("qgcomp") library("ggplot2") library("splines") data("metals", package="qgcomp") # using data from the intro vignette Xnm <- c( 'arsenic','barium','cadmium','calcium','chromium','copper', 'iron','lead','magnesium','manganese','mercury','selenium','silver', 'sodium','zinc' ) covars = c('nitrate','nitrite','sulfate','ph', 'total_alkalinity','total_hardness') cormat = cor(metals[,Xnm]) idx = which(cormat>0.6 & cormat <1.0, arr.ind = TRUE) newXnm = unique(rownames(idx)) # iron, lead, and cadmium ## ----tm2evnt1, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- # non-bootstrapped version estimates a marginal structural model for the # confounder-conditional effect survival::coxph(survival::Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ iron + lead + cadmium + arsenic + magnesium + manganese + mercury + selenium + silver + sodium + zinc + mage35, data=metals) qc.survfit1 <- qgcomp.cox.noboot(survival::Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ .,expnms=Xnm, data=metals[,c(Xnm, 'disease_time', 'disease_state')], q=4) qc.survfit1 plot(qc.survfit1) ## ----tm2evnt2, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- # bootstrapped version estimates a marginal structural model for the population average effect #library(survival) qc.survfit2 <- qgcomp.cox.boot(Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ .,expnms=Xnm, data=metals[,c(Xnm, 'disease_time', 'disease_state')], q=4, B=5, MCsize=1000, parallel=TRUE, parplan=TRUE) qc.survfit2 # testing proportional hazards (note that x=TRUE is not needed (and will cause an error if used)) survival::cox.zph(qc.survfit2$fit) p2 = plot(qc.survfit2, suppressprint = TRUE) p2 + labs(title="Linear log(hazard ratio), overall and exposure specific") ## ----tm2evnt3, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- qc.survfit3 <- qgcomp.cox.boot(Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ . + .^2,expnms=Xnm, data=metals[,c(Xnm, 'disease_time', 'disease_state')], q=4, B=5, MCsize=1000, parallel=TRUE, parplan=TRUE) qc.survfit3 p3 = plot(qc.survfit3, suppressprint = TRUE) p3 + labs(title="Non-linear log(hazard ratio) overall, linear exposure specific ln-HR") ## ----tm2evnt3b, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- future::plan(future::multisession)# parallel evaluation qc.survfit3 <- qgcomp.cox.boot(Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ . + .^2,expnms=Xnm, data=metals[,c(Xnm, 'disease_time', 'disease_state')], q=4, B=5, MCsize=1000, parallel=TRUE, parplan=FALSE) qc.survfit3 p3 = plot(qc.survfit3, suppressprint = TRUE) p3 + labs(title="Non-linear log(hazard ratio) overall, linear exposure specific ln-HR") ## ----tm2evnt4, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- qc.survfit4 <- qgcomp.cox.boot(Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ . + .^2,expnms=Xnm, data=metals[,c(Xnm, 'disease_time', 'disease_state')], q=4, B=5, MCsize=1000, parallel=TRUE, parplan=FALSE, degree=2) qc.survfit4 # examining the overall hazard ratio as a function of overall exposure hrs_q = exp(matrix(c(0,0,1,1,2,4,3,9), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)%*%qc.survfit4$msmfit$coefficients) colnames(hrs_q) = "Hazard ratio" print("Hazard ratios by quartiles (min-25%,25-50%, 50-75%, 75%-max)") hrs_q p4 = plot(qc.survfit4, suppressprint = TRUE) p4 + labs(title="Non-linear log(hazard ratio), overall and exposure specific") ## ----tm2evnt5, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- # testing proportional hazards (must set x=TRUE in function call) qc.survfit1ph <- qgcomp.cox.noboot(survival::Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ .,expnms=Xnm, data=metals[,c(Xnm, 'disease_time', 'disease_state', "mage35")], q=4, x=TRUE) survival::cox.zph(qc.survfit1ph$fit) ## ----tm2evnt6, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- # testing global proportional hazards for model (note that x=TRUE is not needed (and will cause an error if used)) phtest3 = survival::cox.zph(qc.survfit3$fit) phtest3$table[dim(phtest3$table)[1],, drop=FALSE] ## ----clustering, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- set.seed(2123) N = 250 t = 4 dat <- data.frame(row.names = 1:(N*t)) dat <- within(dat, { id = do.call("c", lapply(1:N, function(x) rep(x, t))) u = do.call("c", lapply(1:N, function(x) rep(runif(1), t))) x1 = rnorm(N, u) y = rnorm(N) + u + x1 }) # pre-quantize expnms = c("x1") datl = quantize(dat, expnms = expnms) qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~ x1, data=datl$dat, family=gaussian(), q = NULL) # neither of these ways yields appropriate clustering #qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~ x1, data=datl$dat, id="id", family=gaussian(), q = NULL) #qgcomp.glm.boot(y~ x1, data=datl$dat, family=gaussian(), q = NULL, MCsize=1000) ## ----clustering 2, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- # clustering by specifying id parameter on #qgcomp.glm.boot(y~ x1, data=datl$dat, id="id", family=gaussian(), q = NULL, MCsize=1000, B = 5) eefit <- qgcomp.glm.ee(y~ x1, data=datl$dat, id="id", family=gaussian(), q = NULL) eefit #qgcomp.glm.boot(y~ x1, data=datl$dat, id="id", family=gaussian(), q = NULL, MCsize=1000, B = 500) # Mixture slope parameters (bootstrap CI): # # Estimate Std. Error Lower CI Upper CI t value # (Intercept) -0.4632 0.0730 -0.606 -0.32 3.3e-10 # psi1 0.9550 0.0398 0.877 1.03 0 # This can be verified using the `sandwich` package #fitglm = glm(y~x1, data=datl$dat) #sw.cov = sandwich::vcovCL(fitglm, cluster=~id, type = "HC0")[2,2] #sqrt(sw.cov) # [1] 0.0409 ## ----pe1, fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5----------------------------------------- (qc.fit.adj <- qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~.,dat=metals[,c(Xnm, covars, 'y')], expnms=Xnm, family=gaussian())) plot(qc.fit.adj) ## ----pe2---------------------------------------------------------------------- # 40/60% training/validation split set.seed(123211) trainidx <- sample(1:nrow(metals), round(nrow(metals)*0.4)) valididx <- setdiff(1:nrow(metals),trainidx) traindata <- metals[trainidx,] validdata <- metals[valididx,] dim(traindata) # 40% of total dim(validdata) # 60% of total ## ----pe3a, fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5---------------------------------------- splitres <- qgcomp.partials( fun="qgcomp.glm.noboot", f=y~., q=4, traindata=traindata[,c(Xnm, covars, "y")],validdata=validdata[,c(Xnm, covars, "y")], expnms=Xnm, bayes=FALSE, .fixbreaks = TRUE, .globalbreaks=FALSE ) splitres ## ----pe3b, fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5---------------------------------------- plot(splitres$pos.fit) ## ----pe3c, fig.height=5, fig.width=7.5---------------------------------------- splitres_alt <- qgcomp.partials( fun="qgcomp.glm.noboot", f=y~., q=4, traindata=traindata[,c(Xnm, covars, "y")],validdata=validdata[,c(Xnm, covars, "y")], expnms=Xnm, bayes=FALSE, .fixbreaks = TRUE, .globalbreaks=TRUE ) splitres_alt ## ----pe4a--------------------------------------------------------------------- nonessentialXnm <- c( 'arsenic','barium','cadmium','chromium','lead','mercury','silver' ) essentialXnm <- c( 'sodium','magnesium','calcium','manganese','iron','copper','zinc','selenium' ) covars = c('nitrate','nitrite','sulfate','ph', 'total_alkalinity','total_hardness') (qc.fit.essential <- qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~.,dat=metals[,c(Xnm, covars, 'y')], expnms=essentialXnm, family=gaussian())) ## ----pe4b--------------------------------------------------------------------- (qc.fit.nonessential <- qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~.,dat=metals[,c(Xnm, covars, 'y')], expnms=nonessentialXnm, family=gaussian())) ## ----multinomial, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=10, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- data("metals") # from qgcomp package # create categorical outcome from the existing continuous outcome (usually, one will already exist) metals$ycat = factor(quantize(metals, "y",q=4)$data$y, levels=c("0", "1", "2", "3"), labels=c("cct", "ccg", "aat", "aag")) # restrict to smaller dataset for simplicity smallmetals = metals[,c("ycat", "arsenic", "lead", "cadmium", "mage35")] ## ----multinomial-2, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=10, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- ### 1: Define mixture and underlying model #### mixture = c("arsenic", "lead", "cadmium") f2 = ycat ~ arsenic + lead + cadmium + mage35 rr = qgcomp.multinomial.noboot( f2, expnms = mixture, q=4, data = smallmetals, ) rr2 = qgcomp.multinomial.boot( f2, expnms = mixture, q=4, data = smallmetals, B =2, # set to higher values >200 in general usage MCSize=10000 # set to higher values in small samples ) summary(rr) summary(rr2) # differs from `rr` primarily due to low `MCSize` value plot(rr) #plot(rr2) # not yet functional ## ----weighting, results='markup', fig.show='hold', fig.height=10, fig.width=7.5, cache=FALSE---- ### 1: Define mixture and underlying model #### set.seed(12321) metals$samplingweights = exp(rnorm(nrow(smallmetals), -0.5, 1)) uw = qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~., expnms = Xnm,q=4, data = metals[,c(Xnm, covars, "y")]) wtd = qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~., expnms = Xnm,q=4, data = metals[,c(Xnm, covars, "y")], weights=metals$samplingweights) wtd2 = qgcomp.glm.ee(y~., expnms = Xnm,q=4, data = metals[,c(Xnm, covars, "y")], weights=metals$samplingweights) #wtd3 = qgcomp.glm.boot(y~., expnms = Xnm,q=4, data = metals[,c(Xnm, covars, "y")], weights=metals$samplingweights) # unweighted uw # weighted with invalid standard error, confidence interval wtd # weighted with valid (robust) standard error, confidence interval wtd2 # weighted with valid (bootstrap) standard error, confidence interval #wtd3 ## ----md1a--------------------------------------------------------------------- Xnm <- c( 'arsenic','barium','cadmium','calcium','chromium','copper', 'iron','lead','magnesium','manganese','mercury','selenium','silver', 'sodium','zinc' ) covars = c('nitrate','nitrite','sulfate','ph', 'total_alkalinity','total_hardness') asmiss = metals set.seed(1232) asmiss$arsenic = ifelse(runif(nrow(metals))>0.7, NA, asmiss$arsenic) cc = asmiss[complete.cases(asmiss[,c(Xnm, covars, "y")]),] # complete.cases gives a logical index to subset rows dim(metals) # [1] 452 26 dim(cc) # [1] 320 26 ## ----md1b--------------------------------------------------------------------- qc.base <- qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~.,expnms=Xnm, dat=metals[,c(Xnm, covars, 'y')], family=gaussian()) cat("Full data\n") qc.base ## ----md1c--------------------------------------------------------------------- qc.cc <- qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~.,expnms=Xnm, dat=cc[,c(Xnm, covars, 'y')], family=gaussian()) cat("Complete case analyses\n") cat(" #1 explicitly remove observations with missing values\n") qc.cc ## ----md1d--------------------------------------------------------------------- qc.cc2 <- qgcomp.glm.noboot(y~.,expnms=Xnm, dat=asmiss[,c(Xnm, covars, 'y')], family=gaussian()) cat(" #1 rely on R handling of NA values\n") qc.cc2 ## ----md1e--------------------------------------------------------------------- # calculation of arsenic quantiles is identical all.equal(qc.cc$qx$arsenic_q, qc.cc2$qx$arsenic_q[complete.cases(qc.cc2$qx$arsenic_q)]) # all are equal all.equal(qc.cc$qx$cadmium_q, qc.cc2$qx$cadmium_q[complete.cases(qc.cc2$qx$arsenic_q)]) # not equal ## ----parend, echo=TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- # return to standard processing future::plan(future::sequential) # return to standard evaluation