### 0.9.0 (2020-05-10)

* Package now carries fewer dependencies.
* No new features. 
* Note: There is no plan for further development of pixiedust. I consider this a usable and stable package. Maintenance will be limited to tasks necessary to retain current features and to remain on CRAN.

### 0.8.4 (2018-06-29)

* Added `gaze` function to produce model summaries side-by-side (#80)
* Small adjustments to work with upcoming version of `broom`.

### 0.8.3 (2018-03-22)

* Repaired recycling in several sprinkles.  Sprinkles that permit more than 
  one value will return an error if given multiple values and 
  `recycle = "none"`. The user must explicitly designate if recycling 
  should be done over rows or columns.
* Mapped "slidy" output to HTML.
* Added several tests, bring test coverage up to 96%

### 0.8.2 (2018-02-23)

* Added `caption_number` sprinkle, allowing numbering of tables to be
  turned off (#108)
* Changed the license in order to redistribute code from the
  `Hmisc` package.
* Added `fixed_header` sprinkle. Allows HTML tables to have a fixed
  header over a scrollable body.
* Added lots of tests.
* Added `knit_print` method to allow printing in Rmarkdown documents to 
  operate more smoothly (#96).
* Fixed text wrapping around left and right justified HTML tables (#107)
* Added tabcolsep argument to \code{dust}

### 0.8.0 (2017-08-26)

* Backward Compatibility Break: the `border_collapse` argument was changed
  to a character argument.  This allows the full options available in HTML.
  The new default is `border_collapse = "collapse"`, which is the equivalent
  of `border_collapse = TRUE`. Backward compatibility will be broken only
  if the `border_collapse` argument was changed.
* All sprinkles have individual functions to perform their specific task. Now
  `sprinkle(bg = "blue")` may also be done via `sprinkle_bg(bg = 'blue')`. 
  Although this isn't a much of a change to the user, it makes infrastructure
  changes possible that will make the codebase easier to support.
* Added the `discrete` and `discrete_colors` sprinkles. (Issue #56)
* Added the `gradient`, `gradient_n`, `gradient_cut`, and `gradient_colors`
  sprinkles. (Issue #56)
* Fix hexadecimal color transparency bug (Issue #66)
* Added `get_dust_part` to assist with generation of custom headers and 
  footers (Issue #72)
* Removed CSS styling for tables from the vignettes.  (Issue #69)
* Reduced spacing between table and caption in the LaTeX `longtable` 
* Fixes to support dplyr 0.5.0 (thanks to David Kretch)
* Better control over when to print to interactive environment viewer.
  (Issue #88)

### 0.7.5 (26 August 2016)
* Add `pixiemap` for applying differing sprinkles across a `dust_list`
* Add the argument `logical_rows` for dynamically locating rows to sprinkle
* Include a link to the pixiedust webpage for documentation augmentation.

### 0.7.4 (17 June 2016)
* Guard against changes to `options()$scipen` (Issue #62)
* Remove remaining use of `ArgumentCheck` and replace with `checkmate`

#### 0.7.3 (10 June 2016)
* Fixed rotation in HTML tables
* Created a new argument for `print_dust_html` (Issue #57) to 
  give the user control over the amount of white space 
  following HTML tables.
* The `replace` sprinkle is now applied during printing.  It 
  had been applied in `sprinkle`, which violated the philosophy
  of not changing the content of the data frame until the last
  possible moment.
* Added some extra unit tests.

#### 0.7.2 (19 May 2016)
* Fixed the padding specification in HTML tables.

#### 0.7.1 (4 May 2016)
* the sprinkles `bg`, `border_color` and `font_color` now interpret
  "transparent" as a valid color. In HTML, it is interpreted as 
  `"rgba(255,255,255,0)"`; in LaTeX it is interpreted as `""`.
* New Sprinkle: `sanitize`. Defaults to `FALSE` and replaces automatic
  sanitization of text in LaTeX output via `Hmisc::latexTranslate`.
  This is not backward compatible with 0.7.0, but _is_ consistent with
  earlier versions of `pixiedust`.  You must opt in to sanitization now.
* New Sprinkle: `sanitize_args`. Takes a list of arguments to pass 
  to `Hmisc::latexTranslate`, allowing sanitization to be extended to
  character sets defined by the user.

#### 0.7.0 (15 April 2016)
* Backward compatibility: The way `pixiedust` deals with 
  colors has changed.  If you are using custom defined colors in your 
  LaTeX preamble, these will no longer work.  `pixiedust` will only accept
  colors names in `colors()`, or in the `rgb`, `rgba`, `#RRGGBB`, or
  `#RRDDBBAA` formats.  This only affects LaTeX output, and provides a 
  better interface for ensuring all HTML and LaTeX output are as similar
  as possible.
* Added justification for tables.  Use the `justify` argument in 
  `dust` and the `justify` sprinkle to move the table to the left,
  or right side of the page.  Defaults to centered.
* Added auto-detection of the print method.  When a document is being
  knit, the output format is read from `knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.pandoc.to")`.
  If this resolves to `NULL`, the value of `getOption("pixiedust_print_method")`
  is used.
* Added `docx` as a valid print method, which is synonymous with `markdown`.
* labels for HTML and LaTeX tables are automatically generated when 
  `label = NULL`.  First, an attempt is made to generate a label from the 
  chunk label, and if that fails, a label is generated from `getOption("pixie_count")`
* Added default horizontal alignments for HTML tables
* Added default rounding for numerical values. If the user does not give a value,
  the value of `getOption("digits")` is used. This effectively prints as many
  decimal places as would be printed in the console.
* Sprinkle recycling is added with `recycle` argument.
* Fixed coordinate pairs is added with `fixed` argument.
* Added recognition of all colors in `colors()`

#### 0.6.3 (8 April 2016)
* Converted `dust`, `sprinkle` functions, and `print` to S3 methods. 
  This allows for lists of data frames to be processed as 
  separate tables.
* Added `dust.grouped_df` to give the option of ungrouping a 
  grouped_df object, or splitting it.
* Added the `bookdown` attribute (and sprinkle) to allow use with 
  the `bookdown` package.
* Added labeling.
* Added `caption`, `hhline`, and `float` as sprinkles.
* Changed the default colors for `bg_pattern` to "#FFFFFF#" and "#DDDDDD".
  The gray in this pattern is a little lighter and should do better when 
  printed in black and white.

#### 0.6.2 (15 March 2016)
* Implemented a new printing method that makes use of the `hhline` 
  LaTeX package.  This allows borders to be drawn over background
  colors.  In the existing method, the cell borders are hidden 
  by background colors.  The hhline method can be used by setting
  `options(pixiedust_latex_hhline = TRUE)`.

#### 0.6.1 (8 January 2016)
* Table Captions are now implemented.
* Added parameter to place LaTeX tables in a float environment.  This was 
  necessary to make table captions functional in non-longtable situations.

#### 0.6.0 (09 December 2015)
* LaTeX output is fully implemented
* `tabrowsep` element was removed from the `dust` object since it apparently 
  isn't a real thing.
* Implemented rotated text.
* Pushed version to 0.6.0

#### 0.5.6 (06 December 2015)
* Finished the borders for LaTeX output.  This completes the baseline LaTeX output.

#### 0.5.5 (04 December 2015)
* Revamped the LateX output again, pretty much started over entirely.  But now
  the only thing missing is cell borders, and my previous work will accommodate 
* Added `tablewidth`, `tabcolsep`, and `tabrowsep` elements to the dust object.
  `tablewidth` allows the user to define cell width in terms of a percentage of 
  the total expected table width.  Not really recommended, but at least preserves
  some continuity between HTML and LaTeX output.
* `tabcolsep` and `tabrowsep` control the distance between columns and rows in tables, 
  but this feature isn't yet implemented.
* Documentation is lacking on `tablewidth`, `tabcolsep`, and `tabrowsep`

#### 0.5.4 (10 November 2015)
* Added the `font_family` sprinkle for HTML output

#### 0.5.3 (5 November 2015)
* Due to a great deal of difficulty getting the last couple of 
  features to play nicely, I decided to take a different 
  approach to the LaTeX output.  Most features are 
  available, but I have yet to include column widths, 
  column heights, or multirow output.
* An option is added to the print method that 
  turns off the `knitr::asis_output` return.
  The motivation behind this was to be able to 
  use the HTML code in shiny applications.

#### 0.5.2 (4 November 2015)
* Longtable support is added
* Documentation on cell borders is up to date

#### 0.5.1 (3 November 2015)
* Cell borders.  Documentation still needs review.

#### 0.5.0 (Change Log Highlights since last CRAN Release)
* `pixiedust` no longer uses the `+` operator.  
   Please use `%>%` instead.
* Complete support for HTML tables is available.
* Limited support for LaTeX tables is available.
* New vignette: Advanced Magic.
* Added the `replace` sprinkle to replace values in 
  table columns, rows, or cells.  
* Added the `longtable` sprinkle: allows tables to 
  be printed in multiple sections.
* Added the `na_string` sprinkle.
* Added support for multirow headers and footers.
* Added support for multicell output using the 
  `merge` sprinkle.
* Added an option `glance_foot`, which places model
  summary statistics in the foot of a table.
* Added options for including variables labels and
  more detailed descriptions of factors and levels.
* Introduces "medleys", functions that can apply
  multiple sprinkles to a `dust` object in a 
  single line.
* Adds `as.data.frame.dust` method

#### 0.4.3-0 (13 October 2015)
* The majority of LaTeX sprinkles are available, with
  the exception of borders, longtable, merging cells,
  and rotated text.

#### 0.4.2-0 (5 October 2015)
* Added basic medleys
* Adds as.data.frame.dust method. Closes Issue #33

#### 0.4.1-0 (1 October 2015)
* Started LaTeX Output

#### 0.4.0-0 (25 September 2015)
* Fixed a bug described in Issue #26
* Changes to Advance Magic vignette use a linear model and
  glance statistics for examples.

#### 0.3.1-0 (18 September 2015)
* Glance footer is implemented.  Vignettes need to be updated
* Variable labels and levels are implemented (well ahead of
  schedule!).  Vignettes need to be updated

#### 0.3.0-0 (15 September 2015)
* Multi-cell output for HTML is fully supported.
* Data frame row names may be captured in the output with `dust` 
  argument `keep_rownames`
* A new sprinkle is added.  `na_string` defaults to "", and controls how
  `NA` is printed in tables.

#### 0.2.0-1 (31 August 2015)
* Multi-cell output is functional for HTML, Markdown, and Console output
* A poor example is added to the `advancedMagic` vignette, but a better
  example is really needed.

#### 0.1.1-7 (17 August 2015)
* Finished the Advanced Magic vignette, which serves as the tests for advanced
  output since I haven't bothered to code a way to check the results directly.
* Configure the repository for coveralls.
* Adds `covr` and `Hmisc` to Suggests:

#### 0.1.1-6 (12 August 2015)
* Removed 'longtable' option from `print.dust` and made it a sprinkle. This
  allows it to be used without having to explicitly call `print`.
* Implemented longtable capacity.  Users may now break tables into multiple
  divisions of either a default size (25 rows for console, markdown, or HTML)
  or a user-specified number of rows.
* Began an "advanced magic" vignette to demonstrate the capabilities of 
  longtable and eventually multicolumn and multirow support.  Similar 
  vignettes will be needed for console, markdown, and html output, though
  not all of them will need to be bundled with the package.
* Added the `roundSafe` helper function to allow rounding to succeed while
  skipping true character values.

#### 0.1.1-5 (11 August 2015)
* Added the `longtable` option to `print.dust`.  Not yet active, but lays
  the groundwork for multipage tables.
* Added multirow headers and footers (but not interfoot)
* Added the `redust` function for adding and/or switching table components.  For
  example, adding a multirow header, or a foot.

#### 0.1.1-4 (5 August 2015)
* Added the `replace` sprinkle to replace values in table columns, rows, or cells.
  This closes Issue #12

#### 0.1.1-3 (4 August 2015)
* Optimizations related to removing ifelse calls.  
* Initial values for table attributes are now stored as "" instead of NA.
  This increases the object size, but cuts down on the processing time.
* Removed `object` element from the `dust` object. In Issue #13, matthieugomez
  pointed out that very large models could create storage space problems. 
  There's no sense in keeping an extra copy of the model object.
* Removed the `+.dust` method and rewrote the sprinkles as pipable functions.
  This resolves Issue #8

#### 0.1.1 (3 August 2015)
* Added the necessary fields to DESCRIPTION to get the vignettes to build.

#### 0.1.0 (1 August 2015)
* CRAN checks are passed.  Prepared for release.

#### 0.0.0-9 (31 July 2015)
* Finished tests
* Finished vignettes

#### 0.0.0-8 (30 July 2015)
* Finished HTML rendering
* Adds pixiedust vignette
* Removes old vignettes

#### 0.0.0-7 (29 July 2015)
* Replace nearly all dust bunny functions with `sprinkle`
* Replace `dust_print_method` with `sprinkle_print_method`
* Replace `dust_colnames` with `sprinkle_colnames`
* It occurred to me as I studied the code base that instead
  of rows and cols in the ... argument of the dust bunnies, 
  it made more sense to add the dust bunnies in ... with
  formal arguments for row and col.  I also came up 
  with the idea of naming the package `pixiedust` and 
  sprinkling the dust around.  It sounded like fun so 
  let's hope CRAN lets me get away with it.
* All functionality has been rewritten to support the
  pixiedust paradigm, but new tests and vignettes need 
  to be written to confirm that it all works.
* R CMD check has _NOT_ been run.

#### 0.0.0-6 (28 July 2015)
* Adds `dust_rotate_text`

#### 0.0.0-5 (27 July 2015)
* Adds `dust_cell_valign`
* Adds `dust_border_collapse`
* Adds `dust_table_border`
* Adds `dust_cell_border`
* Adds `dust_cell_padding`

#### 0.0.0-4 (26 July 2015)
* Improved the Dustbunnies vignette to use a color coded table indicating which 
  dust bunnies are planned, available, and functional for different printing 
* Dropped leading zeroes from the version number.
* Adds `dust_font_color`, `dust_font_size`
* Adds `dust_cell_height`, `dust_cell_width`

#### 0.0.0-003 (25 July 2015)
* Adds halign and valign attributes to `dust$obj`. valign is not yet implemented.
* Adds `dust_cell_halign`
* Adds `dust_head_halign`
* Adds dustbunnies vignette
* Removed the `col_names` attribute of the `dust` object and replaced it with the
  `head` object.  The `head` object is a data frame holding the attributes of the
  table header.
* Renamed the `obj` attributes of the `dust` object to `body`.
* Adds a lot of tests
* Adds `dust_cell_bg` and `dust_bg_pattern`

#### 0.0.0-002 (24 July 2015)
* 'col_names` attribute is now named.  The names are the original 
  column names from the `broom` output.
* Adds `dust_fn`
* Adds `dust_bold`
* Adds `dust_italic`
* Adds `dust_print_format`
* Imports knitr
* Imports `lazyWeave::pvalString`

#### 0.0.0-001 (23 July 2015)
* Adds `dust` and `print.dust`.
* Only the method for printing to the console is available.
* `+.dust` added
* `dust_colnames` added