This vignette illustrates using the intSDM R package for three types of warbler distributed across Pennsylvania on the Eastern side of the United States of America. This case study has been used in numerous other integrated species distribution model analyses (for example, Mostert and O’Hara (2023), Isaac et al. (2020) and Miller et al. (2019)) and includes three datasets: eBird, North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) and Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA). Details on the data and the selection of observation models for each are provided within the references.
We will assume that the BBA and BBS data are not provided on GBIF, and thus will load them directly from the PointedSDMs package.
BBA <- SetophagaData$BBA
BBA$Species_name <- paste0('Setophaga_', BBA$Species_name)
BBS <- SetophagaData$BBS
BBS$Species_name <- paste0('Setophaga_', BBS$Species_name)
We will then initialize the workflow using the
workflow <- startWorkflow(Richness = FALSE,
Projection = "+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=WGS84 +units=km",
Species = c("Setophaga_caerulescens"),
#"Setophaga_fusca", "Setophaga_magnolia"),
saveOptions = list(projectName = 'Setophaga'), Save = FALSE
The .$addArea()
function only gives us access to country
borders. However we can easily add other polygon objects to the workflow
using the Object argument from the function.
Next we add data to the analysis. The eBird dataset is
available to download directly from GBIF, and thus may be
downloaded into out workflow using the .$addGBIF
and specifying the relevant datasetKey. We limit our search to
only 5000 species observations (per species) using the
argument, however more species may be added if you
wanted. In addition, we only include observations between 2005 and 2009,
given that these are the time periods that the other datasets
The other two datasets are not directly available on GBIF,
but may still be added using the .$addStructured
This requires us to specify the response name of each dataset (using the
responseName argument), and the species name variable (using
the speciesName argument).
workflow$addGBIF(datasetName = 'eBird', datasetType = 'PO', limit = 5000,
datasetKey = '4fa7b334-ce0d-4e88-aaae-2e0c138d049e',
year = '2005,2009')
workflow$addStructured(dataStructured = BBS, datasetType = 'Counts',
responseName = 'Counts',
speciesName = 'Species_name')
workflow$addStructured(dataStructured = BBA, datasetType = 'PA',
responseName = 'NPres',
speciesName = 'Species_name')
workflow$plot(Species = TRUE)
We can then add the elevation and canopy covariates from the PointedSDMs package. These covariates have already been scaled. If we were planning on using worldClim covariates, we could have used the worldClim argument by specifying which variable we wanted to download.
covariates <- scale(terra::rast(system.file('extdata/SetophagaCovariates.tif',
package = "PointedSDMs")))
names(covariates) <- c('elevation', 'canopy')
workflow$addCovariates(Object = covariates)
workflow$plot(Covariates = TRUE)
We add an fm_mesh_2d object using
workflow$addMesh(cutoff = 0.2 * 5,
max.edge = c(0.1, 0.24) * 80,
offset = c(0.1, 0.4) * 100)
workflow$plot(Mesh = TRUE)
And add a second spatial effect for the eBird data, and specify priors.
workflow$specifySpatial(prior.range = c(30, 0.1),
prior.sigma = c(1, 0.1))
workflow$biasFields(datasetName = 'eBird',
prior.range = c(15, 0.1),
prior.sigma = c(1, 0.1))
workflow$specifyPriors(effectNames = 'Intercept',
Mean = 0,
Precision = 1)
For this case study, we specify the model outcome as Model and cross-validation. This will give us: an R-INLA model outcome for which we could analyse further, and estimates of cross-validation.
The cross-validation we use is spatial-blocking, which will segment our study area into k folds. Here we use the Predict method, which will iteratively fit a training model for all combinations of dataset in all blocks except for one. The linear predictor of the training model is then calculated at the values of the test data (which is the first non-present-only dataset added into the model) in the left out block. A new testing model is then fit using the testing data is fit, using the predicted linear predictor as an offset in the model. The log marginal likelihood is then calculated from the testing model, and the model with the lowest log marginal likelihood across blocks is deemed best.
workflow$workflowOutput(c('Model', 'Cross-validation'))
workflow$crossValidation(Method = 'spatialBlock',
blockOptions = list(k = 4,
rows_cols = c(20, 20),
plot = TRUE, seed = 123),
blockCVType = "Predict")
We may then estimate the model using sdmWorkflow
, and
print a summary of the models. Note that the cross-validation may take a
long time to estimate, given that the model fits each combination of
possible datasets, k times.
Model <- sdmWorkflow(Workflow = workflow,
inlaOptions = list(control.inla=list(int.strategy = 'eb',
diagonal = 0.1,
cmin = 0),
safe = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
inla.mode = 'experimental'))
The summary of the model is given as:
And a summary of the cross-validation is given as: