--- title: "Exporting tables with captions and footers" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Exporting tables with captions and footers} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} editor_options: chunk_output_type: console --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE ) if (!requireNamespace("datawizard", quietly = TRUE)) { knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE) } ``` ## Exporting data frames into nice tables The `export_table()` functions creates nicely formatted tables in text, markdown or HTML format. You can add (coloured) captions or footer lines to the table as well, and you can even create multiple tables from a *list* of data frames. This vignette shows some examples how to do this (focusing on text output). Note that `export_table()` returns a *formatted string*, which prints nicely (which essentially just uses `cat()`). ***Note:*** The vignettes includes example with coloured text output. The coloured text is not rendered in this vignette. Rather, try out these examples and look at the results in your console! ```{r} library(insight) x <- iris[1:3, c(1, 2, 5)] # the table as "readable" output export_table(x) # see the underlying string unclass(export_table(x)) ``` ## Adding (coloured) titles A title can be added by either using the `caption` argument, or by adding a string as `table_caption` attribute. ```{r} # a simple caption export_table(x, caption = "Title") # we use a new object, so "x" has no attributes yet out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- "Another title" export_table(out) ``` `caption` can also be character vector of length 2, with the first element being the caption, and the second being the name of a colour (see `?print_colour` for available options). This is helpful for printing coloured table captions. ```{r} # A red caption export_table(x, caption = c("# Title", "red")) # same for attribute out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- c("*A green title*", "green") export_table(out) ``` Since the coloured text is not rendered, we provide a screenshot as example here: ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width="50%"} knitr::include_graphics("export_table.png", dpi = 72) ``` ## Adding (coloured) table footers Use the `footer` argument to add a footer line to the table. It is also possible to add a string as `table_footer` attribute. ```{r} # colored caption, simple footer export_table( x, caption = c("# Title", "red"), footer = "Footer line" ) # as attribute out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- c("*A green title*", "green") attr(out, "table_footer") <- "A simple footer" export_table(out) ``` Coloured footers can be added in the same way as for captions. ```{r} # colored caption and footer export_table( x, caption = c("# Title", "red"), footer = c("Footer line in blue", "blue") ) # as attribute out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- c("*A green title*", "green") attr(out, "table_footer") <- c("Footer line in blue", "blue") export_table(out) ``` ## Adding subtitles Subtitles can be added using the `subtitle` argument, or the `table_subtitle` attribute. Note that you must take care of adding new-line characters. ```{r} # colored caption, subtitle and footer export_table( x, caption = c("# Title", "red"), subtitle = c("\n A subtitle in yellow", "yellow"), footer = c("Footer line in blue", "blue") ) # as attribute out <- x attr(out, "table_caption") <- c("*A green title*", "green") attr(out, "table_subtitle") <- c("\nA yellow subtitle", "yellow") attr(out, "table_footer") <- c("Footer line in blue", "blue") export_table(out) ``` ## Exporting multiple data frames into multiple tables Multiple data frames saved in a `list()` can be used to create multiple tables at once. ```{r} x <- list( data.frame(iris[1:3, c(1, 2, 5)]), data.frame(iris[51:53, c(1, 3, 5)]), data.frame(iris[111:113, c(1, 4, 5)]) ) # three different tables export_table(x) ``` ## Adding table captions and footers For multiple tables, it is also possible to add a caption for each table. Simply use a `list()` of strings for the `caption` argument, or add a `table_caption` attribute. to *each* data frame in the list. ```{r} # one caption for each table export_table(x, caption = list("Table 1", "Table 2", "Table 3")) # add attribute to *each* data frame out <- x for (i in seq_along(out)) { attr(out[[i]], "table_caption") <- paste("Table", i) } export_table(out) ``` In the same way you can add multiple footers. Note, however, that you have to take care about adding new-line characters. ```{r} # add captions and footers for each table export_table( x, caption = list("Table 1", "Table 2", "Table 3"), footer = list("Footer 1\n\n", "Footer 2\n\n", "Footer 3\n\n") ) out <- x for (i in seq_along(out)) { attr(out[[i]], "table_caption") <- paste("Table", i) attr(out[[i]], "table_footer") <- paste("Footer", i, "\n\n") } export_table(out) ``` Finally, you can even add multiple footer lines to each table, giving each a different color. In this case, each list element has to be a character vector of length 2 (the first element being the caption, and the second being the name of a colour). ```{r} # Colored table captions and multiple footers per table export_table( x, caption = list( c("Red Table 1", "red"), c("Blue Table 2", "bue"), c("Green Table 3", "green") ), footer = list( list(c("Footer line 1\n", "green"), c("Second line\n\n", "red")), list(c("Footer line A\n", "blue"), c("Second line\n\n", "green")), list(c("Footer line I\n", "yellow"), c("Second line\n\n", "blue")) ) ) ``` ## Splitting one long table into multiple tables When the table is wider than the current width (i.e. line length) of the console (or any other source for textual output, like markdown files), the table can be split into multiple parts to fit the width of the screen using the `table_width` argument. This is set to `"auto"` by default, i.e. by default tables are always adjusted to fit into the current display. We'll demonstrate this using a codebook of a dataset from the *datawizard* package. ```{r} data(efc, package = "datawizard") # prepare a data set, in this example a codebook of the EFC dataset out <- datawizard::data_codebook(efc[, 1:3]) out$.row_id <- NULL export_table( out, table_width = 70, # fix width to 70 chars empty_line = "-", # empty lines (separator rows) indicated by "-" cross = "+" # use "+" where vertical and horizontal table lines cross ) ``` As you can see, the third row in the first table part contains some empty rows. This is because the height of the tables are always the same by default, to avoid confusion. However, it is also possible to remove redundant empty rows, using the `remove_duplicates` argument. ```{r} export_table( out, table_width = 70, empty_line = "-", cross = "+", remove_duplicates = TRUE ) ```