%\VignetteIndexEntry{Not an Introduction to fritools} \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \bibliographystyle{unsrt} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{ % basicstyle=\footnotesize , commentstyle=\color{PineGreen} , numberstyle=\tiny\color{Gray} , rulecolor=\color{Black} , keywordstyle=\color{Blue} , stringstyle=\color{Sepia} , showstringspaces=false , language=R } \usepackage[% colorlinks=true, pdfborder={0 0 0}, linkcolor=blue ]{hyperref} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \title{Not an Introduction to fritools} \author{Andreas Dominik Cullmann} \SweaveOpts{echo=false} \SweaveOpts{eval=false} \SweaveOpts{print=false} \SweaveOpts{width=4.5} \SweaveOpts{height=5} \begin{document} \maketitle This is not a vignette at all as \emph{fritools} is just a set of miscellaneous utilities, tools and helper functions written for the Forest Research Institute of the State Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. \emph{fritools} does not use any other packages than those in the R Core. It does not import or depend on any third party package. All functions belong to at least one of these families: <>== path <- system.file(package = "fritools") if (file.exists(file.path(path, "source"))) path <- file.path(path, "source") fmsa <- fritools::find_missing_see_also f <- capture.output(type = "message", missing <- suppressWarnings(fmsa(path = path, list_families = TRUE))) print(f) if (length(missing) > 1) { print(missing) stop("Functions without context.") } else { print("All functions with context.") } @ That's all. \end{document}