--- title: "Example of PointedSDMs for the solitary tinamou" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Example of PointedSDMs for the solitary tinamou} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE ) ``` ## Introduction This vignette illustrates the various functions of *PointedSDMs* by using three datasets of the solitary tinamou (*Tinamus solitarius) --* a species of ground bird found on the eastern side of Brazil. Due to package dependencies, this vignette is not run. However the data and *R* script are available such that the user may carry out inference. ```{r setup, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} library(PointedSDMs) library(terra) library(INLA) library(ggplot2) ``` ```{r safe, include = FALSE} bru_options_set(inla.mode = "experimental") ``` ### Load data Firstly, we load in the datasets and objects required for this vignette. The *SolitaryTinamou* dataset attached to this package contains a `list` of four objects; for ease of use, we make new objects for the items in this `list`. ```{r load data} data('SolitaryTinamou') projection <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84" covariates <- terra::rast(system.file('extdata/SolitaryTinamouCovariates.tif', package = "PointedSDMs")) datasets <- SolitaryTinamou$datasets region <- st_as_sf(SolitaryTinamou$region) mesh <- SolitaryTinamou$mesh ``` The first item is a `list` of three datasets: *eBird*, *Gbif* and *Parks*. The first two are `data.frame` objects containing only two variables: `X` and `Y` describing the latitude and longitude coordinates of the species location respectively. As a result of this, these two datasets are considered to be *present only* datasets in our integrated model. The other dataset (*Parks*) is also a `data.frame` object. It contains the two coordinate variables present in the first two datasets, but contains two additional variables: `Present`, a binary variable describing the presence (*1*) or absence (*0*) of the species at the given coordinates, and `area` describing the area of the park. Since we have information on the presences and absences of the species in this dataset, we consider it a *presence absence* dataset. `Region` is a `sf` object which give the boundary of the park containing the species; it was used in the *mesh* construction and for the plots in this vignette. ```{r look at data} str(datasets) class(region) ``` The next object is `covariates`, a `spatRaster` objects of the covariates (*Forest, NPP* and *Altitude*) describing the area of the parks. We stack these three objects together using the `stack` function, and then scale them. ```{r covariates, fig.width=8, fig.height=5} covariates <- scale(covariates) crs(covariates) <- projection plot(covariates) ``` Finally we require a *Delaunay triangulated mesh* for the construction of the spatial field. A plot of the mesh used for this vignette is provided below. ```{r mesh, fig.width=8, fig.height=5} ggplot() + gg(mesh) ``` ### Base model To set up an integrated species distribution model with `PointedSDMs`, we initialize it with the `startISDM` function -- which results in an *R6* objects with additional slot functions to further customize the model. The base model we run for these data comprises of the spatial covariates and an intercept term for each dataset. ```{r set up base model, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} base <- startISDM(datasets, spatialCovariates = covariates, Boundary = region, Projection = projection, responsePA = 'Present', Offset = 'area', Mesh = mesh, pointsSpatial = NULL) ``` Using the `.$plot` function produces a *gg* object of the points used in this analysis by dataset; from this plot, we see that most of the species locations are found towards the eastern and south-central part of the park. ```{r data, fig.width=8, fig.height=5} base$plot(Boundary = FALSE) + geom_sf(data = st_boundary(region)) + ggtitle('Plot of the species locations by dataset') ``` In this model, we also include prior information for the *Forest* effect using `$priorsFixed`. ```{r priorsFixed} base$priorsFixed(Effect = 'Forest', mean.linear = 0.5, prec.linear = 0.01) ``` To run the integrated model, we use the `fitISDM` function with the `data` argument as the object created with the `startISDM` function above. ```{r run base model, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} baseModel <- fitISDM(data = base) summary(baseModel) ``` ### Model with spatial fields #### Shared spatial field Spatial fields are fundamental in our spatial species distribution models, and so we include them in the model by setting `pointsSpatial = TRUE` in `startISDM`. Furthermore, we will put a stronger prior on the intercept and fixed effects. ```{r set up model with fields, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} fields <- startISDM(datasets, spatialCovariates = covariates, Boundary = region, Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, responsePA = 'Present') fields$priorsFixed(Effect = 'Intercept', prec.linear = 1) for (cov in names(covariates)) fields$priorsFixed(Effect = cov, prec.linear = 1) ``` To specify the spatial field in the model, we use the slot function `$specifySpatial`. This in turn will call *R-INLA*'s `inla.spde2.pcmatern` function, which is used to specify penalizing complexity (PC) priors for the parameters of the field. If we had set `PC = FALSE` in this function, our shared spatial field would be specified with *R-INLA*'s `inla.spde2.matern` function. ```{r specifySpatial} fields$specifySpatial(sharedSpatial = TRUE, constr = TRUE, prior.range = c(3, 0.1), prior.sigma = c(1, 0.1)) ``` Finally we run the integrated model, again with `fitISDM` but this time we specify options with *R-INLA*'s *empirical Bayes* integration strategy to help with computation time. ```{r run fields model, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} fieldsModel <- fitISDM(fields, options = list(control.inla = list(int.strategy = 'eb'))) summary(fieldsModel) ``` #### Correlate fields If we would like to correlate the spatial fields across the datasets , we can specify `pointsSpatial = 'correlate'` in `startISDM()`: ```{r correlate model} correlate <- startISDM(datasets, Boundary = region, Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, spatialCovariates = covariates$Altitude, responsePA = 'Present', pointsSpatial = 'correlate') correlate$priorsFixed(Effect = 'Intercept', prec.linear = 1) correlate$priorsFixed(Effect = 'Altitude', prec.linear = 1) correlate$specifySpatial(sharedSpatial = TRUE, prior.range = c(3, 0.1), prior.sigma = c(1, 0.1)) correlate$changeComponents() ``` We furthermore include an additional spatial field (deemed the *bias field*) for our citizen science *eBird* observations with the `$addBias` slot function. ```{r addBias} correlate$addBias('eBird') correlate$specifySpatial(Bias = TRUE, prior.range = c(2, 0.1), prior.sigma = c(0.1, 0.1)) ``` And then estimating the model: ```{r run correlate model} correlateModel <- fitISDM(correlate, options = list(control.inla = list(int.strategy = 'eb'))) summary(correlateModel) ``` ### Prediction of the spatial fields If we wanted to make predictions of the shared spatial random field across the map, we set `spatial = TRUE` in the generic `predict` function. ```{r predict spatial, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} spatial_predictions <- predict(correlateModel, mesh = mesh, mask = region, spatial = TRUE, fun = 'linear') ``` And subsequently plot using the generic `plot` function. ```{r spatial, fig.width=8, fig.height=5} plot(spatial_predictions, variable = c('mean', 'sd')) ``` However if we wanted to make predictions of the bias field, we would do this by setting `biasfield = TRUE`. ```{r predict bias, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} bias_predictions <- predict(correlateModel, mesh = mesh, mask = region, bias = TRUE, fun = 'linear') ``` ```{r bias, fig.width=8, fig.height=5} plot(bias_predictions) ``` ### Dataset out cross-validation The last function of interest is `datasetOut`, which removes a dataset out of the full model, and then calculates a cross-validation score with this reduced model. In this case, we try the function out by removing the *eBird* dataset. ```{r datasetOut, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} eBird_out <- datasetOut(model = correlateModel, dataset = 'eBird') ``` ```{r print datasetOut} eBird_out ```