The goal of OmopSketch is to characterise and visualise an OMOP CDM instance to asses if it meets the necessary criteria to answer a specific clinical question and conduct a certain study.
You can install the development version of OmopSketch from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
::install_github("OHDSI/OmopSketch") remotes
Let’s start by creating a cdm object using the Eunomia mock dataset:
#> Loading required package: DBI
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
<- dbConnect(duckdb(), eunomiaDir())
con <- cdmFromCon(con = con, cdmSchema = "main", writeSchema = "main")
cdm #> Note: method with signature 'DBIConnection#Id' chosen for function 'dbExistsTable',
#> target signature 'duckdb_connection#Id'.
#> "duckdb_connection#ANY" would also be valid
#> ! cdm name not specified and could not be inferred from the cdm source table
#> ── # OMOP CDM reference (duckdb) of An OMOP CDM database ───────────────────────
#> • omop tables: person, observation_period, visit_occurrence, visit_detail,
#> condition_occurrence, drug_exposure, procedure_occurrence, device_exposure,
#> measurement, observation, death, note, note_nlp, specimen, fact_relationship,
#> location, care_site, provider, payer_plan_period, cost, drug_era, dose_era,
#> condition_era, metadata, cdm_source, concept, vocabulary, domain,
#> concept_class, concept_relationship, relationship, concept_synonym,
#> concept_ancestor, source_to_concept_map, drug_strength
#> • cohort tables: -
#> • achilles tables: -
#> • other tables: -
We first create a snapshot of our database. This will allow us to track when the analysis has been conducted and capture details about the CDM version or the data release.
summariseOmopSnapshot(cdm) |>
tableOmopSnapshot(type = "flextable")
Once we have collected the snapshot information, we can start
characterising the clinical tables of the CDM. By using
, we can easily visualise the main
characteristics of specific clinical tables.
summariseClinicalRecords(cdm, c("condition_occurrence", "drug_exposure")) |>
tableClinicalRecords(type = "flextable")
#> ℹ Adding variables of interest to condition_occurrence.
#> ℹ Summarising records per person in condition_occurrence.
#> ℹ Summarising condition_occurrence: `in_observation`, `standard_concept`,
#> `source_vocabulary`, `domain_id`, and `type_concept`.
#> ℹ Adding variables of interest to drug_exposure.
#> ℹ Summarising records per person in drug_exposure.
#> ℹ Summarising drug_exposure: `in_observation`, `standard_concept`,
#> `source_vocabulary`, `domain_id`, and `type_concept`.
We can also explore trends in the clinical table records over time.
summariseRecordCount(cdm, c("condition_occurrence", "drug_exposure"), interval = "years") |>
plotRecordCount(facet = "omop_table", colour = "cdm_name")
After visualising the main characteristics of our clinical tables, we can explore the observation period details. OmopSketch provides several functions to have an overview the dataset study period.
Using summariseInObservation()
, we can gather information on the
number of records per year.
summariseInObservation(cdm$observation_period, output = "records", interval = "years") |>
plotInObservation(colour = "cdm_name")
#> `result_id` is not present in result.
#> `result_id` is not present in result.
You can also visualise and explore the characteristics of the
observation period per each individual in the database using
summariseObservationPeriod(cdm$observation_period) |>
tableObservationPeriod(type = "flextable")
Or if visualisation is preferred, you can easily build a histogram to explore how many participants have more than one observation period.
summariseObservationPeriod(cdm$observation_period) |>
plotObservationPeriod(colour = "observation_period_ordinal")
OmopSketch also provides functions to explore some of (or all) the concepts in the dataset.
<- c(1125315, 1127433, 1127078)
summariseConceptSetCounts(cdm, conceptSet = list("acetaminophen" = acetaminophen)) |>
filter(variable_name == "Number records") |>
plotConceptSetCounts(colour = "codelist_name")
#> Warning: ! `codelist` contains numeric values, they are casted to integers.
#> ℹ Searching concepts from domain drug in drug_exposure.
#> ℹ Counting concepts
As seen, OmopSketch offers multiple functionalities to provide a general overview of a database. Additionally, it includes more tools and arguments that allow for deeper exploration, helping to assess the database’s suitability for specific research studies. For further information, please refer to the vignettes.