2010-03-26 Thomas Kneib <thomas.kneib@uni-oldenburg.de> * Changed defaults in the hcl color scheme for drawmap 2009-10-30 Felix Heinzl <felix.heinzl@stat.uni-muenchen.de>, Thomas Kneib <thomas.kneib@uni-oldenburg.de> * Bug fixes and additions in drawmap: - Allow for multiple maps in one plotting window - Allow for user-specified width for striped regions 2009-07-13 Daniel Saban�s Bov� <daniel.sabanesbove@gmx.net> * Start version 0.2-4 development with: - better extractSamples (bug fixes, extraction of random effects and scale parameter) which now uses a separate ... - ... external getNumbers helper function (which is not exported) 2009-06-30 Thomas Kneib <thomas.kneib@uni-oldenburg.de> * Changes in version 0.2-3: - bug fixes in bnd2gra (adjustments for regions contained in other regions and for regions consisting of multiple polygons). - Attributes is.in and contains of map objects in bnd format have been replaced by the attribute surrounding - minor bug fixed in write.gra 2009-06-30 Daniel Saban�s Bov� <daniel.sabanesbove@gmx.net> * Start changelog.